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Monday, February 1, 2010

Obama Lack of Transparency and the Truth about his Birth Certificate Controversy

For those not up on Obama facts perhaps you should first view this video to get caught up on the original controversy.

other facts vs. fiction found on the internet on this matter can be found here

The sad facts are that the case was dismissed in the end without reason and a restraining order made preventing further inquiries into the matter. Was this a conspiracy perpetrated by Barrack Obama and the DNC – Democratic National Committee?  Unfortunately due to lack of public outcry and rage on this matter, media bias and political suppression of opposition we will probably never know or at least find out during Obama’s term as president.


Did Obama Become an Indonesian Citizen when His Mother, Ann Dunham, married Lolo Soetoro, and moved to Indonesia?

As outlined in more detail below, Mr. Philip A. Berg alleges, in his lawsuit against Obama, that Obama lost his US citizenship, by virtue of his mother's marriage to Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian, and her subsequent relocation with Obama to Indonesia.  (Note:  Berg's complaint has been dismissed, but he is appealing in both the Third Circuit and the Supreme Court.  See here for current status of his appeals.)


While many were put off by his muslim sounding name Barack Hussein Obama which was shortened to Barack Obama during his campaign (those using his full name were labeled racist), many of these people never knew he had previously went by another name, a name which really was his muslim given name Barry Soetoro, here is more on that story…

So when exactly did Barack Obama become Barack Obama?


There is now overwhelming evidence that for a significant portion of his childhood the man we now know as Barack Obama had a different legal name–he was Barry Soetoro. Both Texas Darlin and Matthew Weaver have written about the document that the Associated Press turned up showing Barack aka Barry registered at a Catholic school as a citizen of Indonesia and a muslim.


Inside Edition has done a story that features this document, see the video below:


Here’s what we know for sure:

Barack/Barry’s birth father was a non-practicing muslim from Kenya. Barack Obama of Kenya was a defacto polygamist but this had nothing to do with a deeply held religious believe.

When Barack/Barry’s mom, Stanley Ann Dunham married Lolo Soetoro Barack/Barry was adopted and became legally known as Barry Soetoro. Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate was updated to reflect that fact sometime between 1965 and 1969.

In Indonesia Barry Soetoro (the man we now know as Barack) was considered to be a muslim and learned the muslim call to prayer. However, when Barry Soetoro moved back to Hawaii to live with his non-muslim grandparents we have no evidence that he continued to identify himself as a practicing muslim. I do not know why the Obama campaign allows this cloud to linger because the Republican machine will succeed in forcing him to concede that as a child he practiced Islam.

Matthew Weaver listed eight questions he would like answered. I have a much simpler list:

1. When did you change your name legally to Barack Obama? Why?

2. When did you renounce your Indonesian citizenship that came to you by virtue of your adoption by Lolo Soetoro?

What is fascinating in watching the video above that seeks to debunk the notion that Barack is a closet muslim is that all of his schoolmates know him and refer to him as BARRY. So Barry Soetoro, what is the real story?

UPDATE: Here’s the point the Obama crew fails to grasp. I am not alleging he did anything illegal or wrong, but his refusal to answer these questions in a simple, clear manner keeps the issue alive. And the Republicans are not going to give him a pass on these matters. They will insist on getting the answers. And the pressure will increase dramatically once the conventions are done. At that point Barack/Barry’s ability to talk about issues will be drowned out by the insistent demands that he “come clean.” The refusal to address these questions in a straightforward manner will simply reinforce the suspicion that he is hiding something. If the Democrats want to spend the fall dealing with he issues of his identity then they are likely to get their wish. It is simply amazing that these matters have not be cleared up by now.

The Obama birth certificate controversy emerged again in the last couple of weeks thanks to the questioning of Lou Dobbs:


I think it is important to put to rest the notion that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. He was not. He was born in Hawaii, a U.S. state, and by virtue of that fact is a U.S. citizen. So what’s the big deal? The Obama team have refused to release the original birth certificate and that fact fuels speculation that they are hiding something. Well they are. What?

Barack Obama was not named “Barack” in the original birth certificate. He was “Barry” not Barack. But that’s not all. The birth certificate was amended when he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian muslim, around 1968. David Axelrod and Barack Obama decided against trying to explain these issues, worried that the Soetoro birth certificate would reinforce the charge that Barack was a secret muslim. Such a charge would have muddied the waters and alarmed too many folks in the midwest and south. They covered it up and, with the help of an incurious media, kept these questions tamped down.

Let me be clear. I do not know if Barack Obama meets the Constitutional requirements to be President. He was a young boy when he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro. As a youngster he had no say in the amendment to his original birth certificate however Indonesia does not allow dual citizenship and he needed to be a citizen to be a student there. He also was introduced to Islam through his step-father. But that relationship ended when Barry Obama Soetoro returned to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. He never renounced his U.S. citizenship that we are aware of however we don’t know either way. The refusal of Barack Obama and his political team to forthrightly address these issues has kept the controversy alive.

The following video by video blogger syc1959 illustrates how a birth certificate is legally “updated” to reflect an adoption.


Barack Obama is now caught in the lie. If he comes clean with the original copy of the birth certificate he will be damaged politically because it will be clear he was not forthcoming or transparent about his childhood. People will realize the story he has told is more myth than fact. This in turn will fuel a new meme, namely, that Barack Obama cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

Similarly the rightwing will be damaged if it persists with the nonsense that Barack was born in Kenya. I know many believe this but it is not true. The real reason Barack Obama is evasive about his original birth certificate is that he wants people to forget he once was an Indonesian muslim boy named Barry Soetoro.

It is that simple.

Yes, so much for transparency but this administration was created because of lies so why should they stop now!




Based in part on Original articles written by Larry C Johnson on his site and other sources easily found online and verifiable for those who really care and won’t discount this as a political agenda anyway.

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