Obama & His Administration At War with Free Speech
Check out this article about Obama’s vote against free speech when it offends Muslims http://deathby1000papercuts.com/2009/10/obama-free-speech-u-s-votes-for-un-restrictions-on-free-speech/
but this is nothing new, from asking the public on live t.v. to report the names of your friends and neighbors who talk negatively about his administration and their health care initiative trying to silence free speech by his detractors.
A few examples of Obama exercising his socialist admiration views of communism via white house referendums like those banning conservative journalists from an air force one flight, to banning white house personnel from speaking to FOX news reporters or granting any interviews to FOX news (which was short lived via backlash), how about his still in the works effort to silence his detractors via trying to reinstituted the Fairness Doctrine (or some stealthier form of it) Read an article on Obama’s version of the Fairness Doctrine
Other Articles on Obama Against Free Speech
Obama Information Czar Calls For Banning Free Speech
USA Today - Obama administration has joined a U.N. effort to restrict religious speech to enact new blasphemy laws but these laws are not to protect Catholics or for that matter most other religions, mainly to protect Islam, guess we can see where his roots really lay now.
Obama Chills Free Speech On Healthcare – this article also points out untruths promulgated by the Obama administration itself in it’s healthcare spam emails and other advertisements in the media.
Obama’s Plan: Shut Off Free Speech by Shutting Off Internet, Talk Radio and Fox News
Obama threatens speech on radio, Web, print
Obama Declares War on Conservative Talk Radio
Obama Wages War on Freedom of Speech
Many more examples of this administrations not so transparent attempts to literally overhaul The United State of America by systematically dismantling our core beliefs and constitution as they see fit to promote their agenda. It sounds a bit like paranoia however the best investigators, law enforcement even secret agents are.
Just remember, freedom isn’t free!
~ God Bless America ~
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