Can SOMEONE explain THIS?
Click on the link below and LOOK at what you see!
My hope is that a hacker did this; if not America is in trouble!
In case you didn’t know Barry Soetoro is another alias name Barack Obama previously went by back in his Muslim schooling days back in Indonesia.
FYI to this day he refuses to release his school records, why are the secrecy if it could silence all those so vocal against him if he has nothing to hide?
Natural born citizen is not defined in the Constitution. But apparently the founders were relying on information from a writing of Emerich de Vattel.
“The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.”
Chances are if you’re a Democrat, you’re shaking your head and saying, that’s not true, that never happened, that wasn’t his name, he didn’t go to school there.
You’d be saying he didn’t go to school in indonesia or should be because if he did, that country’s requirement is that the student must be an indonesian citizen, hmmm….
All those folks still demanding to see his original birth certificate doubting the “copy” posted on his website after continuous outrage from conservatives and some outspoken liberals alike just didn’t cut the mustard with many, especially since the posted birth certificate appeared to be… Fake!
These people don’t look like crazy left wing raticals now huh?
Even though the loudest speakers against Obama being a citizen were democrats which were eventually hushed with gag orders, cases dismissed by democrat liberal judges and of course his administration.
This article was based on a blog entry which can be found here and other sources.
Also check out these articles:
The Obama Birth Certificate Controversy
Obama & His Administration At War with Free Speech
Re: Having to be an Indonesian citizen to attend Indonesian school.
ReplyDeleteThis is in considerable doubt. The press officer at the Indonesian embassy says that there were Indonesian public schools that allowed foreigners to attend, and that in fact he attended one of them.
For other schools that did not allow foreigners to attend, there was a simple solution: LIE. We should remember that corruption was rampant in Indonesia, so lies worked well with a little bribery.
In any case, both the US State Department (in a legal filing) and the Indonesian government have said that Obama was never a citizen of Indonesia.
Re: "to this day he refuses to release his school records, why are the secrecy if it could silence all those so vocal against him if he has nothing to hide?"
ReplyDeleteHe has refused to show his school records just like other presidents. There is no law that says that we have a right to see a president's academic records. Bush and Clinton and Reagan never released their academic records, nor did McCain. In the next election, if Obama still does not release his school records, you can vote against him.
Actually bush, clinton and reagan all released their school records so that is a completely false statement.
ReplyDeleteBush's info can even be found on wikipedia
Let me post a correction in regards to being an indonesian citizen to attend an idonesian school:
ReplyDeleteIn order to attend Indonesian public schools, it was necessary, "at that time", to be an Indonesian citizen.
Here is another article I recently found with video interviews about Obama's childhood schooling in Jakarta
Re: 'Actually bush, clinton and reagan all released their school records so that is a completely false statement."
ReplyDeleteThey released their grade point averages. They did not release their complete transcripts, which is what was demanded. Moreover, they did so voluntarily. There is a difference between doing something voluntarily and someone forcing you to do it. The latter implies that the person suing has a right to the information, which they don't.
Re: "Bush's info can even be found on wikipedia"
Yes, but it wasn't released by Bush. It was leaked to the New Yorker by sources at Yale. Bush did not release it voluntarily, and of course he was not forced to release it by lawsuit. As I said, there is no right to force a president to release his college records.
Re Indonesian school. Not proven. There is no proof that you had to be an Indonesian citizen to attend every public school, and the spokesman for the Indonesian Embassy says that he attended a public school in Indonesia along with foreigners in the 1970s.
Moreover, even if there were such a law, it is possible--indeed easy--to break it and get away with it. Thus, during Prohibition it was illegal to get a drink at a bar, but you cannot conclude that because there was a law banning drinking at bars people did not get drinks at bars. Indonesia was a massively corrupt country, so a law that said "no foreigner will attend public school," could be broken by simply CLAIMING to be an Indonesian citizen and giving bribes to the right people.
The bottom line, however,is that both the Indonesian government, and the US State Department in a legal filing ( have said that Obama was never a citizen of Indonesia, and was not adopted while he was in Indonesia.
Yes, Obama went to school while he was in Indonesia. No, this does not prove that he was an Indonesian citizen, especially when Indonesia and the US State Department say that he wasn't.
Yes, there is an unsigned application for Obama to attend a private school that says that he was an Indonesian citizen. No, this does not prove anything because it is possible to lie on an unsigned application, and because parents lie to get their children into school all the time.
In any case, both the US State Department and the Indonesian government have said that Obama was never a citizen of Indonesia.