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Monday, February 1, 2010

Barack Obama Polite, Ignorant or just Stupid


Barack Hussein Obama
44th President

When one connects the dots between all his past relationships, where he comes from, who his heros are, the people he associates himself with and those he looks up to, we can see the real Barack Hussein Obama, the man, his philosophy, integrity and transparency or lack thereof is either arrogance, ignorance or stupidity because a standing president can’t be as Anti-American or destructive as this man has been so far to this nation. 

Whether we lean Republican or Democratic, we can see that it’s not a very Presidential picture.

One of my next articles will be a count of how his most vocal bills, initiatives or blatant disregards of the United States Constitution.

Here is a short list of items in his first year as president that he has taken on which all violate the constitution in one way or another.

    • A healthcare initiative which would require everyone, not just the rich but also the middle classes to pay for healthcare for those who’d rather not work and just collect benefits the government will provide for them all while integrating, then covering up and then renaming death panels for determining when a senior citizen or terminal patient will or will not get treatments they need due to cost, thus the name death panel which will offer them “end of life counseling” FYI this is not all in the past, it’s in the bill that was passed.
  • Expanding dependence on government programs, with this who needs to work?
  • Disregard of the first amendment “Freedom of Speech” or revamp it in such a way which would silence those whom have opposing views of his initiatives in any way. 
    - Fairness Doctrine revisions to silence conservative talk radio, internet, television and other media outlets.
    - Votes with the U.N. in favor of enact new blasphemy laws to protect islam.
    - Selecting what media messages are to be disseminated to the public to silence his critics and not permit those reporters access to government official interviews. 
  • Implementing Systematic strategies to devalue the United States currency in hopes of moving to a global currency. Extremely dangerous, he would like us to adopt the euro which could have drastic negative impact on our country.
  • Non-Profit, Union Groups and Political payoffs in exchange for votes in favor of his initiatives and help campaigning, etc.
  • Initiatives to unarm law abiding citizens and re-write the the part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects a right to keep and bear arms. An unarmed nation is easy to overthrow and easy for power hungry misguided politicians to manipulate. Take a look at Cuba, Venezuela and many of the other countries who’s leaders Obama admires.
  • Wants the US to open our Borders and grant citizenship and of course access to tax payer dollars and benefits to illegal aliens who disregard U.S. law, many of which are also criminals in their own countries. This also lowers the guard on our borders and weakens our national security. While sure many are good people, they are still breaking US immigration and other laws while here, placing an economic burden on tax payers.


There are many more but this isn’t what my intention was for this article, I just wanted to bring up how he’s been apologizing for theimage U.S.A. throughout Europe while befriending terrorists, murderers and oppressors from Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez and others to a large list of state side extremist friends, crooks, liars and thieves.


Let me ask you something, what do the following photos mean to you, the United States and our place in world views.


President Obama Bows to King of Saudi Arabia (The President should not bow to any foreign leader, king or monarch)



bowing to Japanese emperor



Now the President is a Joke!


Plenty more satire all over the web and magazines


I saved the best for last which pretty much sums it up, Obama has cheapened what it means to be The President of The United States of America. Sarah Palin said it best when she predicted “Obama Would Diminish "The Prestige Of The United States Presidency"”



To make things worse, he doesn’t learn from his mistakes AND these are simple ones he should be able to get.


This latest image shows President Obama bowing to Tampa mayor Pam Iorio. What is wrong with this guy?

When one connects the dots we can see the real Barack Obama, the man and his philosophy.  Whether we lean Republican or Democratic, we can see that it’s not a very Presidential picture and now one year his lies and lack of transparency are becoming very apparent even to his backers putting aside the fact that his image and perhaps the image of future American presidents has been compromised.

Related Articles:

Other Obama Character questions by others

Obama Who?

Will Obama be our second anti-American president?

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