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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Political Satire Pics

Satire -


1. the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.

2. a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule.

3. a literary genre comprising such compositions.

1. See irony 1 . 2, 3. burlesque, caricature, parody, travesty. Satire, lampoon refer to literary forms in which vices or follies are ridiculed. Satire, the general term, often emphasizes the weakness more than the weak person, and usually implies moral judgment and corrective purpose: Swift's satire of human pettiness and bestiality. Lampoon refers to a form of satire, often political or personal, characterized by the malice or virulence of its attack: lampoons of the leading political figures.

How Can’t Acorn Be at the Top of this List


Of Course the Obama Reich Needs some punches


The Official Obama Health Care Pace Car ;-)


Funny but oh so true…


I can see it going there, with all the czar’s the president is appointing at will to serve his agenda without passing it by the people, I can see it going there at some point.

Hey, do for the people and give…give…give… Why would they want to do for themselves and gulp! Work… Good Example for our kids huh?


Now read the chart carefully, it would have taken a long time to get to here. The chart says… Expect A Long Wait Before Seeing A Doctor


Yes, another unfortunate but very true example of waste, fraud and abuse that will be covered up by the Obama administration and the dems in congress. To the rescue of Acorn our support group and attack the teens that uncovered such unbelievable corruption.


Add end of life counseling and… well… Enough Said!


Oh… the media Bias hard at work marching in step with Obama…


The friends we keep!


How alike they are…











Since we all seem to care more about Vampires these days, maybe this is put in a way everyone can understand. Check out this blood sucker!


Gotta love the media bias


Can’t paint a better picture than that!

How to get real change….



“He” has spoken…


Yet another name he went by, so is it really so unreasonable to ask to see a real birth certificate from our president? Is it really too much to ask? Gotta love Obama care, how true this pic is…


More to come really soon…

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