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Friday, November 20, 2009

ACORN Protection

I don’t understand how anyone can question that ACORN, a non profit organization which the now President Obama was once on the board of directors and legal defense team doesn’t have protection from the Obama administration or the democrats in congress.

How else can anyone explain why they haven’t been shut down, had mass arrests and/or raids, IRS investigations or at minimum had their non-profit status revoked. To date, nobody has even looked at their financial books for audit.

These investigative videos keep getting released by a young woman and man that chose to go out on their own and do a little investigating to expose the massive fraud and corruption in the ACORN organization and just how wide spread it really is. This isn’t just a fluke or anomaly, this is a common occurrence as these videos keep exposing.

So far democrats, ACORN and law enforcement have decided to attack these brave kids for illegally recording these law breakers without their permission! Can you image the set of balls on these people, where the hell is their character, morals or for that matter good judgment?

This is sickening to me, and to imagine these are the folks delivering political presidential votes, registering voters (dead or alive), and are such a large organization with over 200 shell companies and organizations making them up in order to extract more government grants, non-profit status, and still be able to pick sides in political forums the lines often get blurred within the organization of the boundaries they should be keeping to keep all the separate business entities missions apart and legal. The problem is when they cross the lines, they break laws but with friends in the whitehouse and congress we are now confronted with widespread corruption backed by tax payer dollars.

In this latest video it goes to show how these people probably don't really think it's a big deal because they have long lost their moral and ethical compass or never had one to begin with otherwise in this one  example of many this lady would have known it was wrong and not helped the prostitute and pimp out.

I wouldn't doubt if this acorn worker has been at one time herself or has friends who are hookers. ACORN is a disgrace and even more amazing is how congress and the mainstream press excluding Fox news has come to their defense!
On the issue of their non-profit status alone ACORN should be investigated by the IRS intensively. But when you’re one of Obama's peeps I suppose you have NOTHING to worry about!


Isn’t amazing how they continue to coach would be pimps on how to import minors as young as 14 years old to be enslaved into prostitution rings in the united states in a coordinated manner and even further how they can help cover it up to look like a legal organization. I’m beginning to hate that word “Organization”, it is quickly becoming a very dirty word.


ACORN Prostitution Investigation Glenn Beck September 10, 2009 ACORN SCAM CAUGHT ON TAPE - TAX FRAUD, SEX TRADE, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Obama Pimps out MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS


Hey look at this after being berated by Fox News on a regular basis CNN Finally seems to be reporting on ACORN. Check this out, ACORN’s voter registrations show that over half of them were fake, fraudulent registrations of dead people or fake people that don’t exist as registered voters. Go figure….

Later in this video it’s funny how CNN tries to defend Obama and separate him from ACORN after saying ACORN endorsed Obama for president. FYI: that is illegal for Non-Profits to do as outlined in the rules to become and operate as a Non-Profit organization, they are strictly prohibited from endorsing any political party or candidate. Why is it their non-profit status has not been revoked yet? We have seen news clips and interviews where ACORN is not being around the bush that they endorsed Obama for president. So….. What’s going on here?  Yeah, Obama rewards ACORN with $800,000 during election time for all their good work. Freakin’ sickening although we can all see what is going on here, the politicians and organizations connection with each other isn’t quite as transparent as it is suppose to be.


I wonder if ACORN will get their government funding restored to 100% and get their contract back to become a main census organization. Imagine all the damage acorn can do by corrupting the integrity of the Census, it can destroy our country, voting, funding, and a whole lot more which is based on census figures.

The great part here is ACORN is now saying they will file lawsuit against Fox News for airing these under cover videos exposing ACORN along with the film maker of these seemingly endless under cover documentary videos by James O’Keefe and Hanna Giles.  The arrogance of ACORN is incredible.


ACORN affiliates threaten members of CSA and Campaign For Liberty. The Conservative & Libertarian groups were there to protest against healthcare reform. ACORN affiliates: Organize For America, ACT-Now, & USA-CAN are pushing blank signatures upon shoppers at a mall.


How Biased is ABC news, check out this one CHARLES GIBSON (ABC NEWS) DENIES KNOWING OF ACORN FRAUD and tries to brush it off as BS made up garbage from the cable network news directing that at Fox News of course. How despicable, and this guy is a reporter? Reputable? I think not, who at this point hasn’t heard about this videos let alone a news anchor!!! This is what happens when a news organization picks sides and is not bi-partisan and objective in their views when reporting what is suppose to be the news.

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