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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Deaf Ears on Health Care Politics

Obama’s back door Chicago style politics is creeping in all over, check out this example.

I logged into my youtube account and noticed an email to me, of course it was spam but this one had the presidential seal of approval on it.

The video it took me to was a page of videos, a contest actually called “The Health Care Reform Challenge”, which seems to be promoted by the Obama administration in conjunction with Organizing for America, what seems to be a shell organization like Acorn created to promote a political agenda. Yes, non-profit status at its worst to raise funds and promote a political agenda, Obama and the Democrats in congress health care agenda but this page also mentions how they asked “Us” to contribute to this challenge.

I’ll assume for now this was the conversation between OBarack4bama cabinet members and the art community using tax payer money to use their creativity to promote the Democrats agendas, how wrong is that. Using tax payer money to promote the agenda of a select group.

Anyway, here is a post I submitted to their page in response to the spam sent to me. I doubt it will be posted among all the slobbering praise on this page for the agenda and the movement.

My email reply:

“Why are you spamming everyone on youtube with invites to this channel?
This is a despicable presentation using children in a manner like this to promote the presidents agenda. Is this the type of creative ideas cooking in the back room using tax payer dollars to create ads to promote his health-care agenda?

Children will die if this bill doesn't pass? That's a bit of a stretch... Just take a look at what's being left out of the message... The actual cost, how are you going to control that? Hmm.... By changing what coverage is considered "necessary" like pushing back the age for women to get breast cancer screenings. This is just the beginning, end of life counseling is closer than you all think and an service that will be needed if this bill actually gets passed all the stages because offering health-care to all and shouldering those costs on the few will only diminish the coverage available now.

Just reform the waste, fraud and abuse instead of spreading this propaganda to pass a back door arranged private agenda bill that needs to be rushed thru without thorough examination.

More Chicago politics is what this is all about. NO THANKS! Please take me off your spam list. “

Here is the page it took me to:

and the video I spoke of


On this same blog page following users comments to the main video, they seem to have the same attitude.  Our health care system sucks. Actually that is ignorant to say, the United States  offers some of the best health care in the world.

To be more accurate one should say the United States health care system is being overrun by waste, fraud and abuse. This can be cured not by revamping the entire health care system but using existing laws to weed it out and prosecute the abusers.

That won’t be done chicago-politics-inkedhowever because many of the politicians wanting the so called change are the same getting favors and paid through the back door.  They can start that initiative NOW if they really wanted to revamp health care. It’s just more lies and politics from our Chicago politician holding the chief position in office.

I for one don’t want an elitist like Harry Reed or Nancy Pelosi or for that matter a Chicago politician like President Obama who have their own separate health care MUCH MUCH better than that which they are proposing for the rest of us common folk to live with. I’m sorry but I don’t want them deciding how much I should be paying for health care to give the same health care coverage to those who don’t work or choose not to pay for health insurance resulting in lesser quality health care coverage for me to balance the costs of such coverage.

Here is a glimpse into what’s in store for us despite what they SAY, as in Obama’s election speech where he said “Words… Words… don’t mean anything, they’re just words…” I for one prefer to look at their actions and it’s scary.

Source: Washington Post | November 19, 2009

“A top federal health official said Wednesday that the controversial new guidelines for breast cancer screening do not represent government policy, as the Obama administration sought to keep the debate over mammograms from undermining the prospects for health-care reform.”

For those not aware of what this is all about, the Obama administration came out with a new report, many say is bogus claims there is no need for breast cancer screening procedures for women in their 40’s anymore saying 55 would be the target age to begin but even then say’s only to have the examination every 2 years from that point instead of the now recommended yearly exam.

Could this be the beginning signs of Health Care rationing that is to come if this bill should come to pass?

Christina Applegate - Jaclyn Smith - Olivia Newton-John by Getty Images

From left to right, Christina Applegate, Jaclyn Smith, Olivia Newton-John
Image courtesy of Getty Images


Many breast cancer survivors including super stars like Olivia Newton-John, Christina Applegate, Jaclyn Smith who’s lives were saved by early detection are speaking out against the new administration proposed guidelines.

One obvious Obamanite address’ peoples posts here with ranting like this…

“You are an idiot. Seriously, instead of admitting that our healthcare is ranked below countries like Saudi Arabia(fact), you tell me the same "if you don't love it, leave it" bullshit.
We have decent healthcare here, as in quality. In terms of accessibility we have shitty healthcare.
Here is another poll I found, out of the top 19 industrialized nations in the world, more people die of preventable illness per 100,000 here then in any other. Explain that.”

I responded with this:

“Um... Assuming the poll your quoting is accurate and unbiased. The population for one is probably greater here than the comparing countries, and the lackadaisical behavior of many of people here just not taking care of themselves or doing what is required to keep healthy thinking others will take care of us when needed could be the answer. Too much dependence on being socialized as we already stand.

We also have more sexually transmitted diseases than other country, blame health care??? “

Another protector of the agenda made this post:

“You ... are clearly not listening...
We don't want free health care. The great majority of us are NOT asking for free health care. We want reasonably priced health care that WE pay for without worrying about being dropped, or denied coverage on after paying for years, without skyrocketing premium increases, and we want to strengthen our nation by helping keep the masses of this country healthier. 6 US military veterans die EVERY DAY because of no health insurance. That is so fucking wrong.”

I don’t know who is feeding these people these polls or how accurate or inaccurate a picture is being painted for them nor how the information is being presented to be able to give the best reply so maybe my responses are right on, maybe they’re way off base but I don’t think so and it is my opinion.

My response to this post although it was not directed toward me or any previous posts I made:

“If you want affordable health care and not Obama/Reed/Pelosi's socialist option, try asking them to weed out the waste fraud and abuse vs. rushing thru sweeping massive health care overhaul reforms that they DON'T want anyone to read, examine, debate and give alternative options to before they vote on?
This is another social program like section 8 housing which is massively abused. I work in real estate and can tell you more of the people using the benefits are abusers of it”

As a voter and tax payer I think my opinion should count. This brings up another problem where the Obama administration doesn’t really seem to value the constitution or “the people” for which it stands. If you don’t agree with “the agenda” then you’re a worthless right wing extremist and that is not the stance a president who should be representing all the people should take.

I just fear the “do as we like” game the Obama administration and Democrats in congress are playing now to see just how much they can get away with.

Check out alternatives, contradictory to what House Democrats are saying, the Republicans do have suggestions and alternatives, the Democrats in control now just aren’t listening.

Go here to read more about the Top Ten Facts about the house democrats’ health care “Reform” legislation in easy to read format.


"The Democrats' proposed 'fix' is really a shell game designed to mask the true cost of their proposed government takeover of health care, and it would add, by one estimate, nearly $2 trillion to Medicare's long-term unfunded liabilities -- which are already nearly $40 trillion." - Rep. Wally Herger

Read About Democrats’ Medicare “Doc-Fix”

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