To put it bluntly the title says it all. From constantly hearing in the news reports of professors with extremist views trying to rewrite history in their classrooms, violating ethics, having affairs with students and other doing other things I assume are not in their job descriptions, I’m always wondering why aren’t they fired?
Well just like everything else in this world it boils down to politics, it’s everywhere, in the schools, political office, churches, non-profit organizations. Politics has become a very naughty word used to describe liars, crooks and thieves.
I don’t want to turn this into an outright political discussion and bore the hell out of everyone reading this so let’s get on to the meat of the story which is this video I came across on youtube. We’ve seen plenty of videos like this from liberals during election times to paint a picture and it was found acceptable no matter how obviously setup or doctored, let’s see what this one does for you.
This just may be one of the biggest reasons our country is in the trouble it is in today. It begins at the education level, for years now our children have been exposed to indoctrination education and the effects are clear.
This video doesn't examine the little kiddies but rather students from a supposed prestigious university where where many of our leaders in political office get their training prep to govern. So you have to ask yourself, what are they being taught there and who the heck is teaching them, that will have to wait for another story, we already have seen in the news everything from domestic terrorist to child molesters teaching in colleges and amazingly they are able to keep those jobs even after being exposed.
This video explores the campus of UC Berkley, it looks more like they are promoting idiocy, take a look for yourself. This is really disgusting and pathetic.
Steven Crowder goes undercover exposing UC Berkeley's liberal bias and the indoctrination underway in its classrooms. You won't believe the hilarious and alarming interactions Steven has with the Berkeley students.
See how grade schools are
rewriting history!
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