Well, here it goes another round of funny political humor to reflect current events and antics in Washington D.C.
A little Political Satire to get you thinking and laughing at the same time.
POTUS (Presidents of the United States)
How they try to portray themselves
Washington DC Can't create JOBS...
Small Businesses create jobs, it's so simple!!!
The new explanation!
Historic President alright....
They are starting to sweat it now....
Government Fueling an Engine Forgetting about the tank
Saved Job Estimate Calculations
Health Care Reform Transparency on CSPAN
Like it or not, You’re getting it!!!
Home of the Leeches and not of the brave anymore! Shameful…
Ignorant Protecting the Ignorant
Politically Correct Security Policy
No more passing of gas either!!!! It will be against the law!!!
Straight from the mouth of King Obama's bafoon!!!!
How's that Hope and Change working out for you America?
It's the Economy STUPID!! It's the CONSTITUTION, Moron!!
It's the will of the PEOPLE
He doesn’t care if you don’t support it, believe in it or if it’s against your religion, none of the democrats do. Maybe if you were a Muslim they would change their mind. Anyway, NOT with my money buddy.
Political Suicide!!!!!
A criminal act against our Republic…
It must be nice!!!!This is your agent of Change!!!
I can't believe Americans actually fell for this....
Brainless,corrupt,,,and slimy politics!!! Change you can believe in!
If you can make there, you will ake anywhere,,,Soon you will have Terrorist being aquitted roaming your streets. On a technicality....thanks to Obama and Holder!!!
Free Admission ($NY Taxpayers)
One thing is bi-partisan in DC....CORRUPTION!!!!
This new type of terror will end soon enough
Obama’s Fox Hunt
Quit Crying About the Fox
A Very Indecisive President, Some Commander in Chief
Churchill said "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. " Obama, YOU ARE NO CHURCHILL!!!
This will not end well!!!
Keep praying for all our Armed Forces....
The liberals are playing politics with their lives.
Holder is a moronic example of Obama's inner circle...
Dems cover their asses
Answer: Because of YOU and YOUR Policies, Stupid.
Get the Government out of Peoples Lives..
Give Business incentives and they will hire!!!
Job Description Tsar / Czar
Do not forget OBAMACARE!!!! They will not!
Trust in Media
The Democratic Trojan Horse
Any Similarities?
Just a Few Changes!!! The New Declaration.....of Dependence!!!
Respect the Constitution, That should do it!
Obama is full of himself,(notice the pics on his desk)
The Father of all Narcissism!!!
With Obama at the wheel…
20 yrs of Learning to hate America...He learned,,oh so well....
Repent "Stupid is as stupid does"
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