There at it again ACORN and house Democrats together again backing legalizing illegal immigrants. Lawmakers pushing for immigration reform say job losses and a sluggish economy should not deter legislation legalizing illegal immigrants.

I kind of find that hard to swallow at a time when there are 15 million Americans out of work, liberals would want to take a stand with ACORN and SEIU labor unions to want to legalize 12 million illegal immigrants and offer them the opportunity to become full fledged citizens and the jobs that should be going to American workers.
URGENT: House Democrats to unveil new amnesty bill tomorrow. Fight back & stop this in its tracks, call your Representatives and say NO to any form of amnesty for ILLEGAL immigrants!
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WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--U.S. House Democratic lawmakers on Tuesday plan to introduce a bill that would overhaul the country's immigration laws, although aides say any movement is on hold until a nearly year-long push on sweeping health-care legislation is completed.
The legislation is set to be introduced by Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D., Ill.), the chairman of the House Immigration Caucus. The effort has the backing of two key groups within the House Democratic membership - the Hispanic and liberal-leaning Progressive caucuses.
It would offer a new path with little to no legal residence for people currently living illegally in the U.S. to gain legal status and citizenship, potentially opening the flood gates inviting people to sneak into the U.S. as the quickest and cheapest route to legal status and citizenship circumventing our countries immigration process by overhauling it to reward those who ignore U.S. law.
Conservative lawmakers are not buying into the propaganda being pushed by the liberals, ACORN and other leftist advocacy groups either. “With 15 million Americans out of work, it’s hard to believe that anyone would give amnesty to 12 million illegal immigrants,” said Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee. “Even the open-borders crowd agrees that illegal immigrants take jobs from American workers, particularly poor and disadvantaged citizens and legal immigrants. This is exactly why we need to oppose amnesty.”
Democrats unveiled the kind of immigration reform they want at a Capitol Hill news conference today 12/15/09.
They are proposing that…
- illegal immigrants register with the government (they don’t do it now and get away with it, why would the bad ones come forward and what will they do to find them or enforce any laws to deport them. If there is an answer to that question, why aren’t they doing it now?)
- Pay a $500 fine for each adult (US Citizenship for sale getting CHEAP & Easy?),
- Learn English (they don’t require that of legal immigrants so it won’t be enforceable, will they actually deny them if they can’t learn English, I see law suites galore for that. How long will they give them to learn it?),
- pass background checks (how do they intend to do that, imagine the waiting list to investigate these peoples background by already under staffed, over worked border patrol and INS let alone how they plan to do those background checks)
- and meet other requirements (hmmm… other wishful thinking items). They then are eligible for a six-year visa and when that is done a green card and citizenship and registration to vote with the helping hands of ACORN and SEIU, I wonder what how they’ll register?
“Sounds like a free pass!”
In reference to the bad economy, “It certainly will confuse the debate a lot more, but at the end of the day what we have to understand is fixing this system will be good for American workers,” said Eliseo Medina, executive vice president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), (ACORN) which is one of the major advocates for legalizing illegal immigrant workers. They are also on the books for having spent more time in the White House with the Obama Administration than any other group. Another broken promise, So much for that transparency thing. Obama has the always be campaigning mentality and registering hundreds of thousands of new democrat voters is a sure path to secure a re-election.
URGENT: House Democrats to unveil new amnesty bill tomorrow. Fight back & stop this in its tracks, call your Representatives and say NO to any form of amnesty for ILLEGAL immigrants!
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