Wow, Talk about Spin and Fear Mongering!
Have you seen this yet? I got this in the latest junk mail and thought at first that is pretty messed up.
Here is what all to commotion is about.
On the surface it does sound scary and living in an Obama nation spiking a surge of mis-information and “popular” messages and ways of disseminating information even more frightening.
Upon further examination, and realizing where the message is coming from (ACLU), I took a step back and saw the real picture.
Groups like the ACLU have a history of protecting criminals, "illegal" aliens, U.S.A enemies and terrorists, child molesters and murderers always looking out for the rights of these types over the hard working common man.
They first they paint a picture to play on your fears then give an immediate call to action to sign a petition to take action, STOP!!!
This is the ACLU, don't just sign a petition because you just saw a scary video. This is a very deceptive tactic to spin a political agenda.
What they are really trying to prevent is a government ID program which would allow us to crack down on illegal aliens, prevent identity theft and other real issues which are a clear and present danger TODAY!
It's a bit of a stretch to link that bill to a pizza joint getting access to private health records, recent credit, purchasing and health records. Think about it for a second, only one! HIPAA and many other laws already in place would prevent such access or abuses plus the credit history access and protection laws in place.
This is really an extremely ingenuous, deceptive way to promote a political agenda, or more so to squash one they don't agree with.
Here is the page your taken to after watching if you choose to “Take Action”, their tactics are scarier to me than their video in hind sight.
Blogger Labels: ACLU,SPIN,Fear,Talk,Obama,nation,examination,message,history,fears,action,STOP,tactic,agenda,government,theft,danger,health,records,Think,HIPAA,protection,aliens